The sale of your stuff benefits scholarships for local HS seniors and also to an adult returning to school.
Drop off dates:
Saturdays and Saturdays
January 18, 10 am to 2 pm
Cancelled -- January 19, Noon to 3 pm
January 25, 10 am to 2 pm & January 26, Noon to 3 pm
February 1, 10 am to 2 pm & February 2, Noon to 3 pm
Drop off is at the rear of the Club (someone will be there to help you unload your car). The parking lot is behind the Club and is entered from Dunlop Street.
We know many of you have home projects going on this time of year to clear out those much-loved but no longer needed items and we would love to have you consider contributing those things to us for our sale.
We are ISO of quality items that don’t fit in your current decorating scheme or cooking rotation; that you have been keeping for an adult child who actually does not really care for them; items associated with hobbies you no longer enjoy; the wedding gift you never used; or, perhaps , for the things taking up space in your wardrobe that are not, actually, your current size. Some suggestions are: jewelry, men’s clothes, women’s clothes, belts, handbags, shoes, rugs, lamps, handicraft items, silver, glassware, crystal, china, pottery, coffee table books, artwork, mirrors, games, toys, pet items, sports items, small appliances, decorative pillows, clocks, coffee makers, baking items, wine/bar items, collectibles, vases, candles, candlesticks, and furniture. Please contact Gloria Crowley for approval of furniture and submit photo or description at
The Upscale/Resale Event takes place on Sat Feb 15 and Sunday Feb 16 from 10 am – 4 pm. Mark your calendars!
Unsold items will be donated to local nonprofits. WCCC is a 501c4, nonprofit organization and cannot provide tax deductible receipts.
7931 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-652-8480 or
Promoting Community Welfare and the State of Maryland since 1913
© 2024 The Woman's Club of Chevy Chase - All Rights Reserved